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Friday 28 May 2021

Stoned Faced

A face cast in stone,
The cumbersome feature,
A lost focus,
With a mind that ways heavy,
Over thinking thoughts drift away,
Like wandering clouds in the sky,
Lost in a labyrinth of space,
Time slips by,
Trusting the Universe to guide the way,
To exit the pool of emotion,
Fed by the pain,
From the eyes that rained,
With tear stained scars a memory of the past,
With words you wish to say to put that person in their place,
Like a rock in a hand contemplating fate if to cast it into the pool, 
What ripples would it make,
Easier to just drop the rock and silently walk away,
Letting karma take its place........

Stoned Faced 

Thursday 27 May 2021

Fated Path

Led by the hand,
An Angel of Grace,
A Devine messenger,
From a far away place,
Taken on a fated path to destiny's magical place,
A place of beauty,
Enchanted and pure,
A fairy tale woodland,
In another world,
Mother Natures gift an Ancient Woodland hidden,
Ruled by a Fairy Queen,
To fall in love with a Princess,
A humble little Frog,

Wednesday 26 May 2021

The Message of Return

It was a sight to see Turkish Delight,
For a poetic verse had been read,
From Russia with Love a message was sent,
By one who's true heart that was red,
A boomerang reply from Australia was cold as a verse was
returned to sender,
Sitting and dreaming of a China Girl,
I hear her heart sing,
For the Sake of Japan the Land of the Rising Sun,
Listening to the words of Butterfly with a tear in the eye,
To hear the beat of the African Drums a pleasure to the ears.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Magician's Magic

If a Magician can do magic,
To cast a spell,
To make that wish come true,
The one cast in a wishing well,
That spell to make that dream become real,
To conjure a magic fire,
For a phoenix to be born again,
To lick a flame,
That desire to love,
To conjure that love potion,
To attract a twin flame......


Monday 24 May 2021

A Bouquet in Bloom

A bouquet in bloom,
A gesture of emotion,
Given when love was true,
Left to dry natural,
A reminder of long ago,


Sunday 23 May 2021

An open eye.
Open minded,
To make up ones mind,
Seeing is believing,
But seeing can be deceiving,
Thoughts to bear in mind,
A trick of sight,
The lack of light,
An over active imagination,
To believe in what one is seeing,
With ones own eye. 


Umbrella Day

Umbrella day to shade one from the rain,
Walking in puddles on a blustery day,
Standing under an umbrella some protection, 
A guard in a way,
Singing in the rain under cover as you walk away,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........