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Friday 30 April 2021

Drifting on the Currents

Drifting on the currents,
Taken by the tide,
Letting life's ripples pass on by.
Floating through the storms,
Directed by the wind,
Basking in the sun light,
Feeling alive again,
Living in the seasons as they come around,
Searching for a Pen,
To write a fairy tale true,
To capture all the dreams,
The ones that become real.....


Thursday 29 April 2021

The Universal Plan

A circle of life in grains of sand,
A biography expressed with a gesture of the hand,
Moving forward in a clockwise motion,
Capturing a concept of opposites attract,
The dualism of concepts individually experienced,
In the natural world there will be dark and there will be light,
With the circle of life there will be love and there will be loss, 
In hope and faith we must trust,
As life will go forward to the universal plan.......

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Shades of Green

Shades of green,
Rustling in the wind,
Trunks go high reaching out to the sky,
Rays of sun breaking through, 
From a background of blue,
Cotton wool clouds collecting moisture from the air,
Swaying branches dancing in the breeze,
Natures chorus as day light breaks,
The dawning of a brand new day,

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Grains of Sand

Grains of sand, falling from the hands like a broken hour glass,
Time wasted through the breach,
Like foot prints made on the beach that day,
Will sadly be washed away,
But the memories will always stay.  

Kindness goes along way

As I walked the streets today I saw an old man on my way,
Sat on the floor of a door way,
A cup at his feet but he did not speak,
Not sat alone a companion beside him a loyal old stray,
Together they are there to beg, 
No home have they so there they stay........
Everyone has a story to tell but be kind as you go along your way....


Monday 26 April 2021

Butterflies that Steal Your Sleep


To wake inside a dream as butterflies steal your sleep,
Resurrection to life from the chaos that has been,
Transformation from what once was to what can be,
A renewal of believe in those wings to fly again,
To start on a journey with hope and faith,
Be the creator of unsung success,
Manifesting the visions to bring the dreams to life.......

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Bluebell Woods

Strolling through the English woods with respect,
The magpie like a spy in respite watches intently through its specs,
Silver birch growing high to form a canopy in the sky,
A carpet of bluebells cover the ground, 
In this ancient woodland to be found,
With tales of witches thimbles and cuckoo boots,
With fairies playing tunes as they dart about,
Summoned to a woodland gathering because there is a stranger about,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........