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Sunday 31 January 2021

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, the #word to #rule

Gimme. Gimme, Gimme the #word,
To #rule the word to be heard,
The word is love,
Oh can it be heard above,
The rule of love,
To trust the feelings of the word,
For one to become two,

Saturday 30 January 2021

Gossamer Butterflies

Forget-me-not the true love said,
Faithful love is there to give,
As #butterflies come and go,
Remembering the delicate blue of a mouse's ear,
A fairy darts opening her wings #gossamer like silk a spectacular sight if ever seen,

Wrong Love

 #Wrong, wrong, wrong the mind was screaming at the heart,
The heart was in despair for it thought it was true love,
Blinded by the facts the heartache it was put through,
A soul in turmoil trying to calm the storm,
Who was ruling who, the heart or the mind, 
The mind #slammed the thought of true love as the heart had been hurt before,
#Slam the thought before the heart could hurt anymore,
The body still lay on the #floor a #caricature of a vision seen before,
With that #butterfly sensation like never before,

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Broken Hearted

A heart that is broken feels the pain,
The deepest cuts that remain,
A reminder of a love so true,
For that is what it meant to you,

A Fool's Journey

Dream Big,

A Fool's journey it is, day dream within the dreams,

Write Briefly with the ink capturing the visions that were seen,

Mindful that the thoughts do not wilt, crawl through the mind seeking whispers of a kind,

The secret messages from the Devine, vibrant tunes in poems sung, to stir a hearts rhythm only another love can understand,

Searching the Country with love in mind,

Seeking a twin flame to become entwined,

Monday 25 January 2021

Winterbourne Tears

#Winterbourne on tears of pain,
Stream stained scars that remain,
Dry reminder of the flood that day,
Transient nature of a broken love,
That has gone away,


Lost Idols

#Idols lost within a crowd,
A spirit you can hear within a voice,
Spoken tone,
A message clear,
All you have to do is listen,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........