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Sunday, 15 December 2024

Dawn To Dusk

Paths don't cross in physical time,
That journey between Dawn to Dusk,
Walking through the days,
A foot step at a time,

But in the midnight hour,
You're there with me,
Dancing in mind,
Alive and free,
That is how it's meant to be,

Gone again,
At the break of Dawn,
Leaving me to walk alone,
With the memories,
The ghost of the past,
That only returns,
When I dream,
How I treasure those memories,
And what they mean.......

A Stones Throw

A stone thrown into a pond, 
The splash resonated,
As ripples were born,
From the impact to the shore,
Like a heart beat that sings a song,
That special rhythm,
For a message is born,
Hoping to reach another heart,
That wants to sing along,
For a message can travel far and wide,
Not controlled by distance or time,
For if this message reaches you,
Hello from me to a special you.......

The Rhythm of a Heart

A Tender Kiss

The warming sensation of a tender kiss,
The moisture left on eager lips,
The remnants of a smudged lipstick,
The memories of that passionate night,
Two as one at Christmas time,
The tale of when hearts collide,
When Soul's come together,
It's a special sign,
For destiny has arrived,
What is meant to be,
Will find a way,
For you,
And for me......

Mimic's Wheel 


The Silver Moon

Standing in the light of a silver moon,
A Romeo on a path,
All alone,
Waiting for his Juliet,
She has not shown yet,
Memories triggered by a lunar light,
Shadows pass in the darkness of night,
Dreams will end at the break of dawn,
But thoughts remain all day long....

Romeo & Juliet

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Songs of Christmas

I heard the songs of Christmas,
The spirit began to rise,
Trees began to appear,
Christmas lights lit the sky at night,
Carol singers singing,
Silent night it's not,
As the joy of Christmas spirit,
At this special time of the year,
With Xmas parties blooming,
The shops are getting busy now,
As a lover buys a special present,
The gift to be placed under the Xmas tree,
So an early Xmas blessing from me to you at this special 
time of year,
Have a wonderful Xmas,
Greetings from me to you,
Celebrate it in your special way, 
Thank you for all your support this year,
It means so much to me X

Santa Clauss

Friday, 6 December 2024

Led By The Hand

She led me by the hand,
Under the mistletoe branch,
To whisper softly,
The words I longed to hear,
Drowning in the deep blue of her eyes,
I dived,
Falling in love to,
There I held her in my arms,
Dancing in a romantic waltz,
To wake at the break of day,
To the ghost of a Xmas past.....


The Winter Chill

The winter chill,
Filled the air,
Biting skin with out a care,
The ground was frozen under the feet,
But forward on the path,
The one we seek,
The warming glow,
Began to show,
Through the misty sky,
Which brought a smile upon a face,
As time was shown on the dial,
For you and for me.....

King Arthur 

The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....