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Thursday, 2 May 2024

To Be

To be who you're meant to be,
This is what sets you free,
For you are you,
I am me,
Individuals we are meant to be,
A freedom of choice,
The choice is yours,
To be different,
Or be one of the sheep....

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

It's A Kind Of Magic

It's a kind of magic,
As the magician cast a spell,
Enchanting words,
The Sorcerer said,
In a rhythmic sound,
Air is cracking,
The spell is cast,
As colourful shapes,
Came to life,
An illusion that will last,
That will last the test of time,
No one can never tell,

The Magician

Thursday, 4 April 2024

The Hand

You held my hand,
On a path,
Along the way,
Through the storms,
That come our way,
On a path,
You held it tight,
Safe I was,
With that touch,
Then one day,
It slipped away,
Gone you were,
Far away,
Tears were shed,
For you were gone,
Left me here all alone,
All that remain,
Memories dear,
In my heart,
You will remain,
Until we meet again,
At the gates,
When they call my name........

Monday, 1 April 2024


It was Good Friday,
As the bunny hopped out of the bed,
I'm late,
I'm late,
A voice was heard in the bunny's head,
For the Easter bunny had forgotten the date,
Easter eggs may be late,
As a bonnet placed upon its head,
Rushed to the shop in haste,
To find Alice with chocolate on her face,

A Pirates Life

Treasure placed upon the wall,
Is there for you to find if you dare to explore,
Hidden in the streets,
That treasure trove,
Guarded by pirates,
Where ever you go,
Armed to the teeth,
Singing shanties,
Loud and proud,
With the Golden Hind,
Safe and sound..........

Pirates Treasure 

To Wake

I woke,
When I heard my inner voice....


Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms upon the tree,
The sign of life and beauty it brings,
The vibrant colours for all to see,
A reminder that life is fleeting,
Memento Mori,
Live happily.....

The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....