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Sunday 17 September 2023

Captured Visions

To capture the visions of one's dreams,
To write what the night eyes have seen,
Behind closed eyes where one will go,
Nobody understands the energy of the soul,
Put in chapter and verse for all to take time to digest,
Of paths and crossroads,
To live life like a King,

King Arthur Cornwall

To Dance With the Wind

To dance with the wind,
Listening to the singing leaves,
With the beating on the ground created 
by the rain beating down,
Swirling and twirling to the magical sound,
Dancing in the light of a burning fire,
With shadows cast across the forest floor until
the night is no more,

Dartmoor Mystical Woods

Thursday 17 August 2023

Autumn Air

To stand in the August air,
Dimming sun as the evening comes,
Watching the day cast away,
As the darkness overcomes,
The golden rays of the sun,
Shadows disappear,
Night has come,
Trusting a lunar light to guide you home,

Night Owl

The Fog

The rolling fog,
It came my way,
My thoughts were all over the place,
Trying to find the words to say,
Best they are left for another day,
For when the fog disrupts the mind,
It's best to leave today until it becomes yesterday....

Torbay Devon UK

To Lose Your Way

I lost my way today,
On the path I strayed,
Fell and sat alone,
Over thinking I was on my own,
Mother Nature came along,
With her birds,
She sang a song,
The whispering trees guided me,
To a path I could not see,
Led me to a beautiful place,
From where I had been lost yesterday.....

Dartmoor Tree Canopy

Thursday 10 August 2023


To search high and low,
To seek that piece to make that jigsaw complete,
That certain piece to make one whole,
Like it used to be,
That jigsaw piece made to be,
In the shape of the heart,

 A Heart

Tuesday 8 August 2023

A Smile

A smile that graces a face each day,
Means so much in so many ways,
Not just to one but all around,

For the joy of seeing that beaming grin,
For knowing that emotion of the joy within,
Meaning so much, 
What happiness it brings,

With emotion a tear is shed,
The joy of happiness is read,
For a smile is like the rays of the sun,
Warming the soul with the beams that are shone,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........