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Tuesday 23 May 2023

Staring at a Lunar Light

To stare through the branches under a lunar light,
Watching the drifting clouds travelling in the dark of the night,
A midsummer's dream,
With spirits and ghosts in an ancient woodland,
With shadows cast by swaying twigs,
The sound of singing pixies as the fairies dance,
Magical the scene under a moonlight glow,
Guarded by trees,
Sentry's as strong as oak,

Tuesday 4 April 2023

The Journey

A journey starts with the first step,
The direction is up to you,
For over hill,
Over dale,
The route you will chose,
Over grass,
Barefoot in the sand,
Or plodding in the mud,
Is the trail you will leave behind......


Sunday 2 April 2023

Beaming Smile

A beaming smile,
In front of you,
Starts the day as it should do...

The Sound of Silence

Silent in the silence,
Listen for the sound,
When you understand the words,
You turn the words around,
Listen and be silent,
You will see more than you hear,
When you understand,
Then the message,
It is clear.....

Dark Clouds

Darkened clouds,
Black and grey,
The wind is high,
A storm is brewing,
High above,
A bolt of lightening,
Racing through the sky,
Clap of thunder,
What a fright,
Time to take cover,
Out of sight..... 

Fire Dance

Dance like your feet are on fire,
Dance with a burning desire,
Let the rhythm feed your soul,
Let the beat guide your feet....

Wish Cast

It was a wish cast in a well,
Spun as a coin fell,
Forged upon a dream,
As a tarot card had foreseen,
That prediction from a past,
Crossed one's path of a Gypsy King.....

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........