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Sunday 5 March 2023

To See

To open your eyes,
At the dawn of the day,
To spy the sunrise in a different way,
A surprise in a way,
This new born day,
Adventure and lessons to be made,

Grace of The Day

By the grace of the day,
To dance in a way,
Under the golden rays of the sun,
To dart between the shadows of the wandering clouds,
In the present moment on the path you found,
With budding bulbs on natures scene,
The birds and the bees carried on their wings,
Heading towards,


You Will Know

It's real,
When you feel it,
You will know, 

Wednesday 22 February 2023

The Rhythm of the Rain

The sound of rain the rhythm it makes,
Music to the ears of those awake,
Beating down like a child on a drum,
A tune to remember when you are on your own,
A rhythmic beat that stirs you to your feet,
That leads you to the window to take a peak,

Swooning Heart

As romance bloomed,
A heart did swoon,
Love in the air,
Under the Lunar glare,
Passion grew,
Between the two,
As they came to pair,
A lovers embrace,
That heated dance,
In a magical place,
Hidden out of view,

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Happy Valentine's

If you could find the words,
The lyrics of a song to write,
To tell them how special they are,
That stirs a heart alight,
Everyday and every night,
For cupids arrow has hit it's mark,
In the centre of a heart,

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Just Do Your Best

To open the windows to the mind,
Seeing the light,
A guiding sign,
To read the words written in ink,
That testament to time,
Poetry in motion,
Capturing an emotion,
Of love, loss or the hurting kind,
Of walking a path,
The crossroads one must pass,
Of climbing the mountains,
The struggles it takes,
To get to the top to enjoy the view,
From the sun rising in the East,
Setting in the West,
Throughout the day just do your best,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........