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Wednesday 15 February 2023

Happy Valentine's

If you could find the words,
The lyrics of a song to write,
To tell them how special they are,
That stirs a heart alight,
Everyday and every night,
For cupids arrow has hit it's mark,
In the centre of a heart,

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Just Do Your Best

To open the windows to the mind,
Seeing the light,
A guiding sign,
To read the words written in ink,
That testament to time,
Poetry in motion,
Capturing an emotion,
Of love, loss or the hurting kind,
Of walking a path,
The crossroads one must pass,
Of climbing the mountains,
The struggles it takes,
To get to the top to enjoy the view,
From the sun rising in the East,
Setting in the West,
Throughout the day just do your best,

Saturday 21 January 2023

Day Dream Away

To sit and day dream away,
On a day in January,
Thoughts in the mind drift away,
Following the clouds on their way,
Racing through the sky way up high,
With other day dreamers thoughts,
Which travel by,

Drifting Clouds

Drifting clouds,
Covering the moon,
Dimming the lunar light as she shone,
In the darkness of the night,
Sparkling stars caught the eye,
A shooting star races bye,
Casting a wish,
By those who spied,

Saturday 14 January 2023

Roses to Share

Passion in bloom,
Redder than a blood moon,
A desire of a heart on fire,
Of romance in the air,
A spoken word of love,
If you dare.
As romance begins to flare,
Of a beating heart,
With red roses to share,


On a Tor

Stood on a Tor, 
Looking over a moor,
Clouds racing by,
Thunder in the sky,
Lightening over the bay,
Rain is on the way,

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Never Alone

Come hold my hand,
Said the shadow to the man,
For in the light I am cast from your feet,
I will follow where I can,

To accompany you on your path,
Where ever you go,
In the darkness I will be out of sight,
You will never know,
But you want be alone,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........