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Thursday 15 December 2022

The Cold

The bitter cold,
It bit the skin,
It made the soul,
Shiver within,
The heart beat slowed,
As a pulse it froze,
The sign that winter is coming in.. 

The Journey

Haytor, Dartmoor, Devon 

What makes a journey,
To hear someone say,
With everyone taking footsteps every single day,
To climb the mountains,
A challenge for some,
Looking at the view,
When the climbing is done,
Measured in time means nothing,
What matters most is how far one has come ..... 

United Stand

Berry Head, Brixham, Devon

To watch the clouds drift over the bay,
As November days fade away,
December comes a festive time,
But hearts are low over this land,
A human spirit will prevail,
United together all will stand,
For those that are week welcome the stronger hand.... 

A Glance

At a glance,
A casted eye,
Catches an image,
A spy,
Caught in a mirror,
That former self,
As one continues to walk on by..


The Poet

What makes a poet,
My heart questions how,
To write the words that come in ones head,
To get acknowledged when the poem is read,
Is it luck or a name,
That makes it great,
How do you promote to progress ahead......

Saturday 26 November 2022

The Robin

You came to say hello,
Knowing that I was low,
You stayed with me on this rainy day,
To hear what I had to say,
To hear me say,
I loved you,
Oh how I miss you so,
That you already know,

Friday 25 November 2022

November Rain

 November rain falls hard and fast,
A torrent of water passes as I walk on a path,
Dark and grey the sky above,
I guess the rain is going to last all day,
To the comfort of home I go,
To look at the rain threw the window pane,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........