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Sunday, 6 November 2022

The Question

To question every question,
No answer can be found,
How long is a piece of string,
Tied in knots,
To the question bound,

To Sail Upon a Pond

To sail upon a pond,
No wind to fill the sail,
Drifting alone,
One must prevail,
To have no compass bearing,
No destination end,
To drift with time,
As tomorrow begins to end.....


The Door

Open a door,
Enter a new,
A world you never knew,
That first step,
Over a threshold,
You must go,
For a future is waiting for you,

The Witching Hour

A witching hour is soon to come,
That cauldron simmering on a raging fire,
Frogs legs, lizards and nettles to,
All mixing in the witches brew,
A spell is ready to be cast,
Hallowe'en a curse of the past,
A night of ghosts, ghouls and scary things,
Trick or treat,
It's up-to you,

Mysteries of the Night

To look into the sky at night,
Starry night,
A delight,
To see afar between the stars,
With a lunar moon shining bright,
Wishes cast upon a shooting star,
A secret held to a heart so tight,
Mysteries of the night,

Rappers Delight

Poetry in motion,
The words did rhyme,
A song created to be sung in time,
That rapper retorted the spoken words,
Beat boxers created a chorus to be heard,
A message hidden in the lyrics of a song,
Discovered by those that sang along,,,,

To Greet A Day

A warming smile,
To greet a day,
That humble greeting as you walk your way,
On a path you follow,
Heading for another day,
That day called tomorrow,

The Start

One started on a path, A January morning, The start of the New Year, The chill was in the air, The path was challenging, It was slippery, On...