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Sunday, 6 November 2022

I Spy

To open an eye,
To play,
I spy,
A letter dealt for the day,
A card came from the letter deck,
It landed the right way up,
A capital L,
Could it be love,
As the actor's started the play,

Thursday, 3 November 2022


Riddle me this,
Riddle me that,
Said the cat,
Sat on the hat,
The hat on the mat,

The cat was black,
The same as the hat,
Hidden on top of the black mat,

Pat was the cat,
The cat was fat,
He liked to eat,
Eat a rat,
Watched by a bat,
Who was watched by a nat,

Sunday, 23 October 2022

A Thousand Letters

A Romeo with a quill in hand,
Ink well full and thoughts in mind,
Alphabet of letters, all twenty-six,
Collating letter's to form the words,
Sentences formed,
Paragraphs third,
A letter written,
Messages hidden in the words as they are read,

Thursday, 13 October 2022


Tabloid news,
Hot off the press,
A story to digest,
True or fake,
On a front page,
There for you to view... 

A Morning Dew

Tear drops form a morning dew,
On the grass that one once knew,
Grass was greener from a view,
A bridge has gone from where one grew,
As time goes by the grass survived,
Looking greener now from the other side,
No way to cross,
That bridge is lost,
No way back for you, 

The Dark Spirit

It came from the darkest place,
A shadow in the night,
Unheard it advanced from out of sight,
Within a dream or wide awake,
Invisible to an eye,
It came with a fright,
To hear a whisper in the ear,
My name is FEAR ..... goodnight my dear,

A Mirrored Pond

Standing on a mirrored pond,
No movement,
No ripples formed,
Peacefulness all around,
Mirrored clouds float on by a reflection of the sky, 

The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....