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Thursday 13 October 2022

A Morning Dew

Tear drops form a morning dew,
On the grass that one once knew,
Grass was greener from a view,
A bridge has gone from where one grew,
As time goes by the grass survived,
Looking greener now from the other side,
No way to cross,
That bridge is lost,
No way back for you, 

The Dark Spirit

It came from the darkest place,
A shadow in the night,
Unheard it advanced from out of sight,
Within a dream or wide awake,
Invisible to an eye,
It came with a fright,
To hear a whisper in the ear,
My name is FEAR ..... goodnight my dear,

A Mirrored Pond

Standing on a mirrored pond,
No movement,
No ripples formed,
Peacefulness all around,
Mirrored clouds float on by a reflection of the sky, 

You and Me

You are You,
I am me,
One might to drink coffee,
One might to drink tea,
One may like the sunrise,
One may like the sunset at the end of the day,
That is how it's meant to be,

The Weekend

The weekend has come,
Time to have some fun,
As the night gives way to a Saturday,
And today becomes yesterday,
So before tomorrow comes a day,
Plan your Saturday in a special way,

Tuesday 4 October 2022

The Fall


To see the trees,
The Autumn leaves of different hues and shades,
Seasons come the leaves Fall down,
To lay upon the ground,
A sign that winter is coming,
As temperatures start to cool,
With birds migrating,
With murmuration in the air,
Nights drawing in,


Saturday 1 October 2022

Misty Eyes

Misty eyes saw the horizon,
A line dividing the sky,
Drifting on water,
Directed by the wind,
Watching the clouds drift bye......

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........