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Saturday 1 October 2022

The Grapevine

The grapevine sang of a message spread,
For those who listened to the words that were said,
Singing aloud the grapevine song,
The rhythm and beat that stirred those feet,
To lead to one to walk a path alone with a message in one's head... 

A New Gift

A gift of a present day,
A surprise and memories made,
This day to be renamed,
To be called yesterday,
To sleep and wake to a new day,
A new gift,
To dream of tomorrow,
To what life will bring,
Remaining in the present moment with every breath you take....  

The Rose

To watch the petals,
Fall off a rose,
A dying flower by the hour,
That fragrance diminishes,
As time goes by,
But the memory of that rose will survive...... 

Words that are Wrote

Declined to speak the words that are wrote,
Ink staining a page as they are wrote,
Letters joined to form the words,
A letter you know that will be heard,
When a voice is to weak to speak,
That pen is mighty within that grip....... 

The Book

To open a book,
Look at a page,
A message of love in the words that you read,
To understand the words that are wrote,
Leaving a lump within your throat,
A tell tell sign a watery line,
Left by a teardrop as it fell......

Floating Somewhere

To drift without a care,
Lost but floating somewhere,
Carried by the flow,
Destination unknown,
Growing old,
Day dreaming with the clouds,
Racing high above,
Losing track of time,
As life flashes by with a blink of an eye..... 

Singing on a September Day

A blackbird singing at the break of day,
Announcing the dawn of a present day,
That warming glow as the sun starts to show,
Over a golden bay,
On this September day

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........