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Saturday 1 October 2022


Blinded by the light,
Only to see stars in the blackness of night,
Predictions told in constellations of old,
A tellers delight,
That  fortune told,
Luck and wealth,
Romance and love,
In the coming days,
A gypsy King sat beside a fire of the dancing flames....  

Tuesday 20 September 2022


It is better to try and not give up,

Then not try at all,

Sometimes we try but don't try hard enough,

Try the thought of stepping stones,

Every step forward is progress,

Monday 19 September 2022

Coffee Mug

I looked at the horizon over a coffee mug,
The aroma of the coffee it woke me up,
The sun rising in the East,
Over a divining line,
A warming glow to start a day,
In a present moment,
In a present way,

The Beacon

To see a star,
A guiding light,
That direction a beacon in the dark of night,
To lead you on a path to a morning glow,
Where a ray of light will warm a soul,
With a New Day dawning to a chorus of song,
Yesterday is over and tomorrow has begun,


Kind Of Magic

Its a kind of magic,
As ink graces a page,
By the wave of a hand a story is made,
From the first page until the end,
That book of Life,
With memories within,

Friday 9 September 2022

Morning Dew

The scent of a morning dew,
A smell of a morning new,
Fresh air from a sky of blue,
The sun that rises on an Eastern Horizon,
Warming rays that start a day,
Over the sea of the Golden Bay,

Thursday 8 September 2022

Water Marks

A pen ran dry,

No words to pen,

Thoughts in mind of a letter to send,

Words to express no ink to write,

A paper stained  by the tears as they fell,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........