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Friday 9 September 2022

Morning Dew

The scent of a morning dew,
A smell of a morning new,
Fresh air from a sky of blue,
The sun that rises on an Eastern Horizon,
Warming rays that start a day,
Over the sea of the Golden Bay,

Thursday 8 September 2022

Water Marks

A pen ran dry,

No words to pen,

Thoughts in mind of a letter to send,

Words to express no ink to write,

A paper stained  by the tears as they fell,

Sunday 4 September 2022

Burning Fire of Desire

Burning fire,
Raging desire,
Passion deep,
Feeling's over you,
Hit by a Cupid's arrow,
That heated kiss,
A building love that leads to tomorrow,


She sneaked through the walls and through the doors,
Travelling not to be heard,
Unaware she had passed,
Into another world,
No longer was she there....

Into The Shadows

Into the shadows to hide away,
Camouflaged during night and day,
Watching with open eyes,
As normal life just passes away,
Memorising what is seen,
As the sand of time drains away,
In the darkest place to be,
Tears that pass as rain,
Just get washed away,

A Travelling Love

I saw the lines way up in the sky,
Tale, tale signs your travelling today,
Destination I not know where,
Coming or going I don't care,
Memories made either way,
To travel with you to another day .....

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Jack In The Box

She opened the box,
Jack jumped out,
She screamed,
He sprung about,
A horror from childhood days,
That clown springing out,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........