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Tuesday 5 July 2022

Where is The Mind

Where is the mind,
During space,
During time,
Lost in the universe,
With the stars and the signs,
Twinkling stars, 
Some shooting at times,
Wishes cast with hope to come true,
Only future days will show if they become real....

Sunday 3 July 2022


Seconds fall like raindrops in a storm,
Time flows quick like a river on it's course,
Years flow by and courses change,
Memories last of younger days,
So view your glass as only half full,
Make the most of the time you know,
Fill that glass until it overspills, 

Mr Bumble

Busy, busy bee,

As humble as can be,

Buzzing between the flowers,

Working as you can see,

A Trembling Pen

Writing with a trembling pen,
Misspelled words caused by an irrational hand,
Heart felt emotions portrayed by ink,
Stained on paper by the tears that are made,
That last page testimonial to the one that meant,

The Book

To turn the page,
Within the book,
Trying to understand the words you read,
Not knowing what they mean,
Not judging a book by its cover,
In time you will discover,
The meaning of those words,
Within the book's cover

Be In Control

Only one person can control change,
That person is you,
It will not be easy,
Day by day,
Step by step,
Stay on that path,
Overtime you will notice something different about yourself,
Be proud of your personal development,

Be True

Be who you are!

Be true to yourself,

Be proud

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........