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Wednesday 16 February 2022

To Feel The Kiss of a Radiant Beam

To tour a path,
Destination unknown,
To pause at a gate,
To take some time,

To view the landscape from a different place,
Brings a smile upon a face,
To feel the kiss of a radiant beam,
Warms the soul deep within,

To listen to the sounds around,
Only mother natures tune,
There are no crowds,
To disrupt you,

With trees swaying in a breeze,
Cotton wool clouds floating by,
With cows and sheep grazing free,
A buzzard soaring high above thee,

The beauty is the land you see,
On a path that sets you free,
To explore the paths that you choose,
Life's journey is all about you,

Monday 14 February 2022

The Storm

Rain drops bouncing on the ground,
That strong wind blowing trees over again,
A storm with a name,
Grown in the Atlantic is on the way,
To cause havoc again,

Sunday 13 February 2022

Dancing Under a Silver Moon

To dance by the sea under a silver moon,
Dancing to the tune as the sea touches the sand,
Hair blown by a gentle breeze,
Feet kissed by a gentle sea,

Connected to mother nature,
With feet in golden sand,
To dance until the dawn,
When the sun warms the land,

A young maiden,
Pure and sweet,
Dancing all night,
With golden stand at her feet,

With dreams and wishes,
Hoping they will come true,
Dancing under the silver moon,
Self love at present,
Will have to do,

Friday 11 February 2022

Tears of a Clown

Tears of a Clown

A hat to hide a frown,
That smile to hide the pain,
Hiding a tear in the pouring rain,

Looking like a fool in the eyes of others,
Feeling low again,
Slight joy to make others laugh,
Walking slowly on a path,

Healing a heart torn in two,
Calming the memories of the past,
Knowing you cannot change a thing,
What once was,
Will never be again,

If the tears of a Clown,
Strike a cord with you,
Your not alone,
There are others like you,
On the path you must go,
Things will change before you know,


Wednesday 9 February 2022

A Comet

Travelling fast way up high,
Soaring on a path in the dark mass,
Passing Planets and Stars at night,
On a universal path,
Leaving a trail behind a tail,
A Comet burning bright,
One of the creators wonderful sights,

Tuesday 8 February 2022

To Stand Amongst the Trees

To stand amongst the trees,
Moving with them in the breeze,
Listening to the sounds,
From the trunks and the limbs,
Rejoicing as they sing,
Branches reaching out,
Underneath a canopy,
Blue sky way up high,
A picture that changes daily,
Dependent on nature's scene,


Monday 7 February 2022

Lost in the Sound of a Radio

To sit in a car,
And drive to far,
Lost in the sound of a radio,
With memorial tunes of days of old,
Accompanying you on a road,
To burn the fuel with the miles you do,
To a tank that is nearly empty,
With a foot on a pedal,
With hands on a wheel,
And an open road to follow,
Your in control of tomorrow....

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........