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Wednesday 26 January 2022

The Story was Told

The chapters unfolded,
The Acts played out per day,
On a life's day,
As the pages were read,
The story was told,
As the pages are turned,
A character born from pen and ink,
Played a part,
An individual tale wrote especially for you,
Lessons learnt from beginning to end,
The book is closed,
A  LIFE story read,

Monday 24 January 2022

Alphabet Soup Made for a Day

Alphabet Soup made for a day,
Fuelling the mouth with letters from what we consume,
To form words from vowels and consonants,
To what you say,
Talking in your mind to what you see,
From writing the thoughts down for others to read,
The power of communication.
Can be expressed in many ways,
So be vigilant in what one states,
It could be misconstrued,
To form a debate,

Aa Vv Gg Bb    Hh Cc  Uu    Zz
    Jj    Xx  Dd  Kk  Ee    Ff      Ii

Ll   Qq    Mm Rr  Nn   St    Yy  Oo  Pp 

Sunday 23 January 2022

Footprints on the Golden Shores

To walk along the golden shores,
Leaving ones mark like those before,
Footprints left upon the sand,
From their beginning to their end, 
Every footprint tells a tale,
Even paw prints from those with wagging tales,
Only to be washed away,
By the tide everyday,
To leave the golden sands clean again,
To capture new footprints, 
On a New Day again,

Friday 21 January 2022

Dusk to Dawn Just Fun Fun Fun

Friday I am in love with you,
Weekends come time for fun,
Not enough hours in the days,
To make more memories in many ways,
So pick a path to journey on,
From dawn to dusk,
Just fun, fun, fun,
To end a day on a high,
To make that smile beam away,
For every hour that is in a day,
Make them count in your own way,

Thursday 20 January 2022

Read if you Dare

Read if you Dare my Dear,
The caution hidden in the small print,
A message of importance before it is to late,
A Red  herring to some who ignore the caution,
Disappointed when A Red letter comes,
Leaving someone glum,

Wednesday 19 January 2022


Oh the lessons we learn,
Enrolled at the University of Life,
No bank holidays or vacations,
No breaks,
Everyday a School Day,

Tuesday 18 January 2022

The Wolf Moon

The sound of the wolves howl,
Across the landscape of the land,
As a Wolf Moon lights the nights sky,
A chilling air as the night proceeds to a dawning day,
With mystical tales of goblins and ghouls,
The myth of shapeshifters is still real,
Beware the Werewolf who stalks the night under the full Luna light,
For it would be hunting during this time,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........