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Monday 20 December 2021

Pine Cones

Pine Cones

Underneath the conifer trees,
Scattered from the fall,
Pine cones lay on the woodland floor,
To let nature take its course,


Sunday 19 December 2021

Spirit Dancer

Spirit Dancer


Never going to stop this dance,
This dance with you,
Rhythm of the dance to music true,
Dancing in time,
Connected in life,
A heart rhythm in beat with two,
That tempo that stirs the soul,
Igniting that flame,
In which one glows.........


A Winters Tale

Winters Tale


Naked branches of the trees,
Grace the skyline this time of year,
Winter storms have made them bare,
Golden brown the leaves grace the ground,
A winters tale,
Told every year,
As nature takes is course,
To fertilise the earth,
For where there is an end,
A new will begin,
That is the circle of Life.......

Thursday 16 December 2021

As Easy as ABC

As easy as ABC,
A love message wrote so simply,
That look with silent words,
Only a heart would have heard,
A whisper from a lover's mouth,
The ones we need to here,
I LOVE YOU.......
A magical time for you .............

Wednesday 15 December 2021

A Magical Time

Carol Singers can be heard,
Ten drummers drumming,
Joy to the World !
Lights on the tree twinkle and sparkle,
On a cold clear night,
Lovers arm in arm look on,
While others walk on by,
Oh its a magical time of the year,
Sleigh bells ringing,
The aroma of chestnuts roasting,
It is Devine

Monday 13 December 2021

Only a Wish

Wishing Well

It was only a wish,
A wish cast in a wishing well,
Of hopes and dreams,
That wish for change,
That wish made when a coin was cast,
Into the depths of darkness,
Received with a splash,
Heads or tails,
Win or lose,
Only time will tell,
If that wish comes true.......


Sunday 12 December 2021

The Sycamore Leaves

Sycamore Leaves


To rest under the Sycamore tree,
Protected by the canopy,
Strength of the tree giving security,
Covered in the dying leaves for an eternity,
A reliable bed of cover,
A resting place for a divinity,

You Are Your Own Music

You are your own music, Sing your tune,