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Sunday 12 December 2021

The Sycamore Leaves

Sycamore Leaves


To rest under the Sycamore tree,
Protected by the canopy,
Strength of the tree giving security,
Covered in the dying leaves for an eternity,
A reliable bed of cover,
A resting place for a divinity,

Saturday 11 December 2021

The News Today

To sit and read the news today,
Hot off the press,
Coming your way,
A tabloid's print,
Edited their way,
A picture or two,
That secret to be told,
False news or truth,
Who knows,
Do YOU ? 

Friday 10 December 2021

The Star

The beat quickened when you came into view,
Aroma of perfume filled the room,
Waltzing across the floor,
In an air of grace,
With that smile,
Upon your face,
Lighting the room,
Like the STAR you are,
Adored by many,
Far and wide....

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Your not Alone

To walk in the sunlight,
Your not alone,
A shadow by your side,
In the dark of the night,
Your shadow is there,
Invisible out of sight,
Always there,
Your quite companion,
On your journey of life......

Monday 6 December 2021

Waltz in a December Moon

A gypsy Queen waltzed in a December Moon,
Waltzed around a burning fire,
In the chill of the midnight air,
A loving glow showed,
As a Prince shared a tender kiss,
The violins played that romantic tune,
At a magical time of year,
As the matchmaker watched from a distanced place,
The cherub with a smile on his face, 
Let an arrow fly,
Hitting the heart of destiny's mark,
Lit by a shining star, 

Friday 3 December 2021

The Dark of The Night

In the dark,
The dark of the night,
Pitch black,
Guided by a star,
Way up high,
In the depths,
Of a midnight sky,
A bearing point to set a course,
To help you on your way,

Thursday 2 December 2021

An Edge of Reason

On the edge,
An edge of reason,
That boundary line,
To a heart is treason,
In a state of control,
To balance on an edge,
As a head is in a spin,
Fate is in the hand that tossed that coin,
If it is tails,
They left again.........

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........