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Saturday 20 November 2021

A Transformation

A vacant mind,
Open minded,
A vacuum in time,
But time goes by,
A state of transition,
In a cocoon,
Protected from the storms,
Hidden within,
Transforming silently,
Out of sight,
To return to society,
A beautiful sight.....

Friday 19 November 2021


A handful of straws,
The short straw pulled,

The toss of a coin, 
Tails called,
Heads it is,

Three of a kind,
A Royal Flush shown,
The pot has gone,

Sometimes that is the way it is,

Roulette with a one chip bet,
Testing an individuals strength of what is left,

Thursday 18 November 2021

Dancing to a Singing String

Dancing to the singing strings,
Strings played upon a heart,
A girl dancing in the dark,
For  the visions and dreams played upon the screen,
Hidden behind the curtains of the windows to the mind,
As a cherub plays with the bow,
Striking the strings very slow,
With a melody only one other will hear,
That special one with that loving ear......

Monday 15 November 2021

Hunting a Dream


Hunting a Dream within the sleep,
Hunting that Dream within the Dream,
Searching high and low,
No where else to go,
But deeper in the sleep,
For a Dream that is hidden within the Dream,
Cannot be seen,
Is this just the Dream,

Sunday 14 November 2021

A Harbouring Heart

A harbouring heart,
Protected from the storms,
A heart that had sailed the seven seas,
Battered and bruised,
Repaired and mended,
Ready to sail again..............

Saturday 13 November 2021

The Saturday

To sit for a while and watch the world go by,
Sat on a bench watching the tide rise,
People watched the day through,
As they walked on by,
Dogs running having fun,
Chasing a ball that had been thrown,
Children playing in the sand,
Those that were brave swam,
Lovers walked hand in hand,
Sat on a day called SATURDAY.............

Friday 12 November 2021

The Rose Garden

A rose grew in the garden I knew,
Against the wall that was bare before,
Rambling away in different ways,
Over the years it grew,
Displaying the colours in a natural way,
Filling the air with a perfumed scent,
Memories from the chairs,
In that rose garden I shared,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........