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Tuesday 9 November 2021

Dancing on the Path of Life

To dance in the lunar light,
On a cold and chilly night,
With stars twinkling way up high,
In the depths of the midnight sky,
Shooting stars and casted wishes,
Hoping dreams will come true,
Dancing to the dawning light,
Bathing in that warming glow,
For a new day born in the now,
Dancing on that path of life,
To that music with that beat,
Oh, that rhythm that stirs those feet, 

Monday 8 November 2021

Castle and Bridges

Sausages and Beer,
In the land of poets and thinkers,
A Federal Eagle held a high,
With castles and bridges far and wide,
Alps that climb to the sky,

The Unwanted Message

Knock, Knock, Knock,

Ding, Ding, Ding the door bell sings,

Ring, Ring, Ring the mobile screams,

Letter in the post,

That email ping,

The unwanted message sent to the bin,

For when photos past stir memories shared,

Has regret sunk in,

For what once was will never be again,

Sunday 7 November 2021

Young at Heart

Peter, Peter, Tinkerbell thought,
Shaking her fairy dust to cast that spell,
For manifestation could not work alone,
For Peter Pan had taken flight,
And was long gone,
To travel on his own,
For one who is young at heart,
Refuses to grow old,
On the travels that the path will lead,
Making memories every day,

Friday 5 November 2021

Scent of a Bonfire

The scent of a bonfire fills the air,
A guy on the fire in despair,
Fire works exploding in the black of the night,
Colourful displays light up the sky,
Rockets reaching a height,
Bangers go off stirring a fright,
Children with sparklers in hand,
Making random patterns as best they can,

Thursday 4 November 2021

Winter Sets In

The cold wind blows,
From the North that we know,
The temperature drops,
The nights draw in,
Seeking creature comforts in a place we live in,
With a glowing fire,
Heating the room,
Sitting in an arm chair with the TV on,
Watching the news of what's going on,
Looking at the weather forecast,
With the wind and rain that it brings,
Possible frost with icy mornings,
You never know there could be snow,
Creating a wonder winter land,
As winter sets in,

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Tick Tock

Tick Tock Tick Tock,
Listening to the sound of the Grandfather Clock,
As the pendulum swings oh how it sings,
Hands conducting on a dial,

The bell chimes on a quarter,
A chorus sang on an hour,
How grand it stands in a place of honour,
Keeping a house in order,

You Are Your Own Music

You are your own music, Sing your tune,