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Sunday, 7 November 2021

Young at Heart

Peter, Peter, Tinkerbell thought,
Shaking her fairy dust to cast that spell,
For manifestation could not work alone,
For Peter Pan had taken flight,
And was long gone,
To travel on his own,
For one who is young at heart,
Refuses to grow old,
On the travels that the path will lead,
Making memories every day,

Friday, 5 November 2021

Scent of a Bonfire

The scent of a bonfire fills the air,
A guy on the fire in despair,
Fire works exploding in the black of the night,
Colourful displays light up the sky,
Rockets reaching a height,
Bangers go off stirring a fright,
Children with sparklers in hand,
Making random patterns as best they can,

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Winter Sets In

The cold wind blows,
From the North that we know,
The temperature drops,
The nights draw in,
Seeking creature comforts in a place we live in,
With a glowing fire,
Heating the room,
Sitting in an arm chair with the TV on,
Watching the news of what's going on,
Looking at the weather forecast,
With the wind and rain that it brings,
Possible frost with icy mornings,
You never know there could be snow,
Creating a wonder winter land,
As winter sets in,

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Tick Tock

Tick Tock Tick Tock,
Listening to the sound of the Grandfather Clock,
As the pendulum swings oh how it sings,
Hands conducting on a dial,

The bell chimes on a quarter,
A chorus sang on an hour,
How grand it stands in a place of honour,
Keeping a house in order,

Monday, 1 November 2021

Dark Matters

Hidden in the night sky,
Hiding from the naked eye,
Out of sight from those that seek,
Camouflaged and out of view,
Hidden from you,
Watching from high above,
Everything that you do,
Dark matters,
A background to starlight,

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Halloweens Whispering Leaves

The ghost of you comes around,
This time of year,
To hear the sounds of whispering leaves,
Heralding that your presence is near,
Comforting the scent carried on the breeze,
A natural fragrance that you are here,
In a woodland copse a mother natures spirit true,
With trees and plants,
Where animals dwell,

Witches gather to cast their spells,
Ghost and Ghouls will appear,
A trick or treat will catch an eye,
Until the dawn will break the line,

Then pumpkins rot with open eyes,
A sign of the night that has passed by,
When all is left is that memory made,
But is it real or has imagination taken place,


Saturday, 30 October 2021

The Witching Hour

Spirit Dancer

Spirit Dancer on an October night,
Dancing past the chimes of midnight,
Caught in the spell were time goes back,
Getting that extra hour is a Spirits delight,
To dance in the now,
With the Ghosts and the Ghouls,
As Witches cast that spell,
A spell over you,
For in the morning when you wake,
You would have gained an extra hour to,


The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....