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Tuesday 19 October 2021

Life as Destiny Unfolds

Tomorrow starts when yesterday ends,
The present is that thought between,
A vacuum of time in life where it is real,
For memories are just of history past,
Dreams are for future hopes,
Life is as destiny unfolds,

Monday 18 October 2021

Stranger Things

Stranger things have happened to be,
Stranger times have made a Stranger become,
In a Strange time time is Strange,
A mirror image now that is Strange,
Strange to think how Strange things come over time,
When times are Strange,
Stranger becomes the mind.........

Travellers Tale

Ink drying on a realm of paper,
Words in defence of a realm,
Words unfold to describe a story to be told,
The history of old,
A kingdom so bold,
To explore the world,
By sea and wind,

Sunday 17 October 2021

Mind Scrabble

Mind in thought,
Scrabble is the game,
Seeking to select the letters,
To try to explain,
Letters to spell the words,
To write the sentences to form the paragraphs,

To be heard,

The times that what is written with good intent,
Has been mis-read,
News mis-led with fake news,
To confuse the many,
Planting seeds to gain popularity,

Conspiracy theories,
There are many,
However what you read keep an open mind,
For control is what some seek to keep you in line,

Thursday 14 October 2021


To switch the button ON,
Then OFF,
ON again,
Don't know what's wrong,
Emotions high,
In dilemma mode,
Check the power source,
Thinktank time,
Conspiracy theory,
Don't play the game.......  

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Flying High

Flying High

Flying high in the sky,
Birds eye view from above,
Looking down all around,
Watching what is scurrying around, 
Hedge line rows, 
Little woods,
If in open fields find cover quick,

Monday 11 October 2021

Scent of the Woman

Scent of the Woman

The scent of the woman filled the air,
A perfumed fragrance dominated the room,
Graceful and elegant she glided over the floor,
A confident posture with a radiant glow,
This beautiful rose, 
Captured hearts,
She won the show, 

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........