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Monday 4 October 2021

A Humming Song

Where to begin,
With a flap of the wings,
Humming starts,
Contentment seen,
A darting flash here,
A darting flash there,
The humming bird is in the air...

Sunday 3 October 2021

Weeping from a Tree

Catkins weeping from a tree,
Next to a lake,
Where the wild ducks swim,
Surround by woods,
The trees grow tall,
With natural paths for those to explore,
To watch the natural beauty of the nature that is about,
In a place where mother nature takes care of its self.... 

To be Nuts

To be nuts jumping from tree to tree,
That bushy tail following thee,
Running around that trunk of a tree,
On the ground foraging around,
Scampering, leaping marking its ground,
Hiding stock for the winter months,
Living in a Drey it can be found,


Saturday 2 October 2021


Who would read what you wrote,
Who could decipher a code,
Could you understand,
The hidden meaning created by man,
A message if understood,
Would make you understand,

Dawn of Time

Until the dawn of time,
The night will pass in the mind,
For the visions in the sleep will awaken dreams from the deep,
To transfer you to a different realm,
Another dimension in another world,
Things you see are hard to believe,
That deja vu,
Personnel to you,
Looking through the windows of the mind,
At an image in the mirror of a stranger to those eyes, 

A Careless Heart

A careless heart can fall in love quickly,
That tender look,
That gentle kiss,
A loving embrace,
Lost in the thoughts of dreams of tomorrow,
Thinking how to get through the day,
An image of that crush,
That makes a heart rush,
As Cupid's arrow flies,
It's on its way,

Friday 1 October 2021


A world that is going potty,
With seeds planted growing out of ones head,
To sit at a Mad Hatters party,
Discussing life as it is,
With a pot of tea brewing,
Ready to put a mind at rest,
Topic of the day is the environment,
To do what is best,
Cutting the emissions so the plant may live,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........