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Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Peeking Duck

I saw a Peeking duck,
It was peeking at me,
Waddling in the water of a paddy field,
Assisting a farmer to grow a crop,


Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Goose Squadron over River Dart

Goose Squadron

 Wing Commander, Wing Commander this is Squadron Leader...OVER

Squadron Leader this is Wing Commander.... OVER

Visibility clear, flying at 15 meters above the River Dart, all clear below,
Request permission to take the squadron in to land...OVER 

Squadron Leader this is Wing Commander circle the squadron and bring 
them in to land .... OVER

Wing Commander ROGER and OVER and OUT

Monday, 6 September 2021

A Meadow Day

The Meadow

To fly in a meadow with open wings,
A butterflies dance on a summers day,
To fly upon the warmest breeze,
The flashing colours that grace the skies,

Dancing to the Break of Dawn

To dance with a lover to the break of dawn,
Dancing along a shoreline,
A splashing of feet,
Reminiscing of the earlier hours,
Of dancing in the sand with bare feet,
Skinny dipping in the sea,
Entwining together on the sandy beach,
In a lovers embrace,
Bathed in the lunar light,
With twinkling stars that are gazed upon,
Spotting a shooting star,
A wish is cast with a tender kiss,
Two soul mates together you are.....


Saturday, 4 September 2021

Like a Magician

Used the ingredients,
The ones on the list,
Mixed together,
As the recipe suggests,
Like a magician the spell was cast,
Set free to manifest,
To the Universe the recipe goes,
That hidden formula that only some do know,
For seeds of dreams,
Planted to grow,
To return to the one that sowed,

The Magician


Friday, 3 September 2021

The Watcher

The Watcher in the Sky

He watched with a keen eye,
The watcher he watched like a spy,
Observing what he saw,
Taking the visions in,
Dimensions crossed unseen,
The watcher a Devine being,
Hidden from the eye,
The watcher in the sky.....

Thursday, 2 September 2021

A Token Gift From Above

The feather shed from an Angel's wing,
Descend down on the wind,
A token gift from above,
The sign your not alone,
On this path that you own,
A treasured message the joy it brings,
This little token from an Angel,
Who took you under their wing,

The Moon is Full The Lion Is Roaring

A heart is beating, The moon is full, Blood is pumping, Adrenaline fuelled, The Lion is roaring, In search for you.....