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Wednesday 25 August 2021

Value Your Time

In a life time,
Value your time,
Choose your direction careful,
The world is there to see,
Make memories,
No your worth,
Do not waste time or energy on what does not reciprocate,

Monday 23 August 2021

Caught by Medusa's Stare

Dartington Memorial Figure

 Caught by Medusa's stare,
 Turned to stone in open air,
 Fated to lounge in a garden,
 In the grounds of an Estate,
 Weathered by the elements,
 On a yearly basis,
 Viewed by many as time goes on,
 Shaded by the Sweet Chestnuts that grow tall,
 Climbed upon by the young when they explore,
 Listening to lovers as they walk,
 Hearing whispering secrets as they talk,
 Close to where actors act,
 Even sometimes acrobats,
 Reclined and at ease,
 Within where beauty surrounds,
 A Memorial Figure to last for years, ever Moore,

Thursday 19 August 2021

Walk about

Corn Field 


Stood in a field on an August day,
Lost in the corn,
In the maze,
Surrounded by plants that stand seven feet,
The consequences of going to explore,
Sounds and noises hard to pin point,
Then a scurrying down at my feet,
A day of adventure to just go walk about.....

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Day Change

Sat there daydreaming a day away,
On a bench overlooking a bay,
Listening to the sounds of the waves,
As clouds drift by overhead,
Seagulls soar and dive,
White of their wings on a blue sky,
Watching the horizon the division of the sea and the sky,
As the day turns to night with the moon high in the sky,
Twinkling stars the signs are displayed,
As the sun rises and night becomes day,
Only a name change as the days do by,
One week, two weeks before you know it a years gone by...

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Autumn Fall

Watching the maple leaves of an Autumn Blaze,
A colourful scene of natures way,
The Fall with an artistic flare,
Of vibrant colours of yellow, orange and red,
Fills the canopy over head,
Ancient symbol of love,
Experienced in a daily life,
Of sweetness and joy in a tender kiss,
As fragrance fills the air,
It is a wonderful time of the year.......

Monday 16 August 2021

A White Feather

A feather fell from the sky,
Pure and white you could not deny,
Falling like an Autumn leaf spiralling from a tree,
The feather from an Angel's wing,
A gift from the Devine,
The sign of destiny's timing,
To let you know that you are not alone,
At at this certain time,
For a Guardian Angel is close at hand,
A friendly sentry on look out.............


Sunday 15 August 2021

A Murder of Crows

A Murder of Crows

He stood on solid ground,
Holding tight to the line of a kite,
If you love something let it go,
So they say,
Easier said then done except when you are the one struggling to hold on,
A murder of crows gather and circle the plight,
Encouraging one to let the kite fly,
To be carried by the wind far away,
Never to be seen again,
But the memory will stay,


You Are Your Own Music

You are your own music, Sing your tune,