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Sunday, 20 June 2021

A Monument to the Gardeners Friend

A monument to the gardeners friend,
The one who is busy from dawn to dusk,
Buzzing between the flower beds in shifts,
Working hard all day long,
Who helps the garden along,
With his buzzing wings singing a song, 

English Garden on a Summers Day

Hidden in a village in a garden they grew,
The flowers and plants tended by the gardener they knew,
Watered and fed in the flower beds by the shed,
Bordering the lawn where the grass grew instead,
Variations of scent that perfumed the air,
A vibrance colours so pleasing to the eyes,
This English garden is a beautiful surprise,
With an ambiance to compliment to relax a soul,

Pine Cones

Fruits of the tree,
Autumn fall from the year before,
Laid on the ground under the branches from where they fell,
A conical shape with individual plates,
A safe for the seeds that reside with in,
Until mother nature release them to grow into pines again.... 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Alphabet Selection

 To select the letters to form the words,
     To form a sentence or a verse,
         Bonded to the page by pen and ink,
            Emotions captured from with in deep,
                To bravely write and cast it out,
                    Truly how you felt,
                        To stir a bond with those that read,
                            To understand where you have been,


Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Battle Scars are Nursed Away

Over time smooth the rocks have come,
Washed and cleansed by mother nature,
Battle scars are nursed away,
Repeated process day by day,
Personal growth through a flowing tide,
As waves and waves pass over and by,
To change the appearance of what once was,
With a healing touch and a lot of love,


Monday, 14 June 2021

Love Struck Romeo

An embrace cast in stone,
A romance to last a test of time,
For when two become one,
Lovers entwined,
A caressing touch,
That loving look,
For where there is a Juliet a Romeo will be close beside,

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Love in The Mist

Love in the mist,
A secret kiss,
The passion of desire,
Bewitched by a ragged Lady,
A fairy's spell,
The secret wish cast in a the well,
For a magical enchantment,
True love to grow,
Banishing the devil in the bush,
To pastures new,


Gracing The Day

The Sun graced the day, It warmed the heart in a special way, Brought a smile upon a face, Very positive in so many way's, For when happ...