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Saturday 22 May 2021

Dream Flying

 Dream flying in the dead of the night,
 The moon a guiding light,
 The World is an Oyster, 
 So leave a realm to go explore,
 Collecting souvenirs is memories gift,
 A maple leaf from Rockies High. 
 From Russia with love to steal a kiss.
 Standing on a Table Top looking down over a bay,
 Feeling the warmth from a Rising Sun to help you on your way,
 Over the Pyrenees heading to the Eiffel Tower,
 To circle Big Ben just before the dawn........

Friday 21 May 2021

A Heart in Their Hands

A Lover holds a heart in their hands,
Cares for it over time.
Feeds it with loving devotion,
Divine connection is born,
Soul mate union,
Twin flame attraction,
To last to the end of time.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Navigating River

River Avon Devon

The river navigating its course,
Waterfalls descending,
Flowing on earth as a natural source,
Flowing fast then flowing slow,
An eddy here and there,
Meandering this way then that,
Creating a riverine in the landscape,
A place to be to relax and unwind,
Meditating by the banks of a river,
Beside Mother Nature bathing in the pools,

Wednesday 19 May 2021

A stranger To My Eyes


 Until the dawn of time,
 The night will pass in my mind,
 Visions in my sleep will awaken dreams from the deep,
 To transfer me to a different realm,
 Another dimension in another world,
 Things I see are hard to believe,
 Looking through the windows of mine,
 For an image in the mirror is a stranger to these eyes,

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Tranquillity of Mother Nature

Branches forming a canopy over me,
Protecting me from the downpour by an umbrella of leaves,
A musical sound as the rain is beating down drumming on the leaves,
A medicating sound,
With a wind section orchestrated by the movement of trees assisted by a gentle breeze,
Tranquillity of mother nature coming over me, 
A chorus of birds can be heard invisible to the eyes,
The woodland floor a carpet of blue as I walk on a track I never new....................................................


Monday 17 May 2021

Swimming in Eyes of Blue

Swimming in eyes of blue,
A rarity it is true,
To fall in deep dreams with you,
Like a whirlpool to your mind I dive,
Pulling in a love from the Divine,
Enchanted and swimming blind,
Drifting through the lakes of your mind,
Sharing in the love of life,

Sunday 16 May 2021

The Barriers after the Pain

The barriers after the pain,
Built to contain the rain,
An energy source released through a duct,
A release of a sort when it is not,
For emotions do need to flow,
For if held back it will surely blow,
When memories are triggered,
By a song,
A rainy day it is,
Tear stain scars will flow,
Feeding the rivers again.....


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........