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Friday 14 May 2021

Spirit Stones

Always be vigilant and look for signs with an open mind,
For spirit stones can guide you on a path of a kind,
A sign of encourage to accompany you when your on a path alone....


Thursday 13 May 2021

The Day Draws to an End

As the sun falls across the land,
The day draws to an end,
Memories made along the path will remain,
For a day will soon be in the past,
Tomorrow heralds a new dawn,
A new day to begin,
For an adventure is to go and explore,
The unknown in the great outdoors.....

Sunset Dreams

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Squadron of Geese

The sound of cracking wings,
Carried upon the wind,
As a squadron of geese followed a river course,
Led by a Wing Commander,
A circle and begin to descend,
The Wild Geese Mission is set to begin.....


Branching Out and Reaching High

Branching out aiming high,
No limitation reaching the sky,
For a seed was planted long ago,
Over the years the seed did grow,
Strong roots were grown on firm ground,
To grow into a mighty tree,
Strong the trunk needed to be,
In order for branches to spread,
To form a canopy,


Oak and Shield

Stood under a mighty Oak,
An Oak and shield protecting me,
Viewing a meandering Dart,
Following to the sea,
Totnes Town spied afar,
Rolling fields of green,
With edges filled by trees...


Tuesday 11 May 2021

Ancient Home

Standing in a circle of an ancient home,
Led to this place by a row of stones,
In the mist and the rain,
On a windy day,
High on a ball in a magical place,
Dartmoor has beauty on any day,
Just make sure you don't lose your way,
So stay on track for that will get you safely back...


Sunday 9 May 2021

A Dartmoor Way

To fall in love,
In love with life again,
To heal on a path of a Dartmoor way,
To walk upon the moorland grass,
Between the granite rocks and the gorse,
To come across a stone row,
An ancient settlement of long ago,
To stand where ancestors have been,
Go explore the great outdoors,
In the sun and the rain,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........