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Wednesday 12 May 2021

Squadron of Geese

The sound of cracking wings,
Carried upon the wind,
As a squadron of geese followed a river course,
Led by a Wing Commander,
A circle and begin to descend,
The Wild Geese Mission is set to begin.....


Branching Out and Reaching High

Branching out aiming high,
No limitation reaching the sky,
For a seed was planted long ago,
Over the years the seed did grow,
Strong roots were grown on firm ground,
To grow into a mighty tree,
Strong the trunk needed to be,
In order for branches to spread,
To form a canopy,


Oak and Shield

Stood under a mighty Oak,
An Oak and shield protecting me,
Viewing a meandering Dart,
Following to the sea,
Totnes Town spied afar,
Rolling fields of green,
With edges filled by trees...


Tuesday 11 May 2021

Ancient Home

Standing in a circle of an ancient home,
Led to this place by a row of stones,
In the mist and the rain,
On a windy day,
High on a ball in a magical place,
Dartmoor has beauty on any day,
Just make sure you don't lose your way,
So stay on track for that will get you safely back...


Sunday 9 May 2021

A Dartmoor Way

To fall in love,
In love with life again,
To heal on a path of a Dartmoor way,
To walk upon the moorland grass,
Between the granite rocks and the gorse,
To come across a stone row,
An ancient settlement of long ago,
To stand where ancestors have been,
Go explore the great outdoors,
In the sun and the rain,

Friday 7 May 2021

Who is Laughing the Most

One was running, one stood still,
One's glass half empty, one half full,
The day one fell, one kept running,
On another path,
A path a new,
In the dark one lay,
Fighting to survive,
To change and adapt with personnel growth,
One stood up to laugh the most....

A New Day a New Way

Dark clouds gather above,
As the sky starts to cry,
Pain in the rain,
The memory is a stain,
The one that remains,
To this day,
Tear stained scars,
Left with a broken heart,
A man has to start a new day,
A new way,
On a path,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........