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Thursday 6 May 2021

The Dartmoor Way in the Month of May


Walking over baron land,
Going to Tors where they stand,
Of marsh and peaty sand,
Beware the bogs for they are deep,
Granite boulders lay about,
Where heather grows and  cotton wool clouds are low,
When the wind is strong it will drive the rain,
From this source the river flows,
Down through the valley below,
To meet the sea with golden sands,
A land of myths and legends,
Tales to chill those bones,
Of Devil's footprints across this land,
A place to explore with a compass in hand.....


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Wednesday 5 May 2021

A confetti Trail

A vision of a confetti trial,
Two lovers walked to ringing bells,
For cupid had shot an arrow deep,
A couple in love at first sight,
Two have now become one,
A journey to new heights,
For two have become man and wife, 

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Bluebell Woods of Spiritual Divine

Listening to the bluebells ring,
In this enchanted wood,
A carpet of blue with a canopy of green,
This beautiful land of a fairy queen,
Protected by the ancient trees,
The mystical presence of the spiritual divine,
In this sacred and secret land, 
Where pixies are known to stroll but keeping out of sight.


Nature Walks of Life

A path takes us to new locations,
From the past position,
To a present time,
A memory captured in a lens,
The window of the mind,
Around the corner the future untold,
Until we get there we will not know,
So enjoy the journey on the path,
Capturing memories that will last,


Sheeps Tor

A woolie fleece on a windy day,
Protects its owner on a winters day,
High on the moor where the weather is rough,
Where the ground is made of granite rock,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........