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Monday 26 April 2021

Butterflies that Steal Your Sleep


To wake inside a dream as butterflies steal your sleep,
Resurrection to life from the chaos that has been,
Transformation from what once was to what can be,
A renewal of believe in those wings to fly again,
To start on a journey with hope and faith,
Be the creator of unsung success,
Manifesting the visions to bring the dreams to life.......

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Bluebell Woods

Strolling through the English woods with respect,
The magpie like a spy in respite watches intently through its specs,
Silver birch growing high to form a canopy in the sky,
A carpet of bluebells cover the ground, 
In this ancient woodland to be found,
With tales of witches thimbles and cuckoo boots,
With fairies playing tunes as they dart about,
Summoned to a woodland gathering because there is a stranger about,

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Stag of the Night

A Hart is lit by the New Moon light,
A guiding light in the dark of the night,
With drifting clouds floating on air,
With twinkling stars sharing the sky,
A high land traveller the Monarch of the Glen,
Regal in his right the Stag of the Night.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

The Little Drummer Boy of War

Drum, drum, drum,
Rat a tat, tat,
The boy made the tune with his little wooden sticks,
Men marched forward,
For death or glory,
As the drummer boy beat the drums of war,
To herald the call,
Do not let the standard bearer fall....

Sunday 11 April 2021

A Fragile Stand

Standing tall but a fragile thing,
Vulnerable and open to the wind,
Healing from the emotional pain,
Surviving from the challenges and difficulties we all know about,
A symbol of life with hope and dreams,
Just close your eyes and make a wish as you blow on the dandelion fluff,
Away it goes,
To new pastures green,
A seed of life,
To grow in the fields of dreams,

Saturday 10 April 2021


To look through the windows with open eyes,

To look upon the land and at the blue in the skies,

To feel the golden rays bringing warmth to the skin,

To walk in the footsteps of those that have been,

To feel the gentle breeze and listen to the sounds,

With birds singing choruses from niches in the wall,

With other little rodents running to explore,


Friday 9 April 2021

R.I.P HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

Rest In Peace HRH Prince Philip,
The Duke of Edinburgh,
Consort of the Queen,
You will be sadly missed by all that you have encouraged and supported,
May your legacy live on,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........