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Saturday 10 April 2021


To look through the windows with open eyes,

To look upon the land and at the blue in the skies,

To feel the golden rays bringing warmth to the skin,

To walk in the footsteps of those that have been,

To feel the gentle breeze and listen to the sounds,

With birds singing choruses from niches in the wall,

With other little rodents running to explore,


Friday 9 April 2021

R.I.P HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

Rest In Peace HRH Prince Philip,
The Duke of Edinburgh,
Consort of the Queen,
You will be sadly missed by all that you have encouraged and supported,
May your legacy live on,

Thursday 8 April 2021

Scarlet Elf Cups

Scarlet cups left by an Elf,
Signs of magic left on the ground,
With sticks and leaves decaying on the woodland floor,
Laying there for insects to explore,
The wonder of mother nature occurs during the day and the night,
With the effects of moon and the sun light,
Where fairies come to bathe in the spring.
In an ancient woodland in England......

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Blind as a Bat

Blind as a bat,
In a flap,
Meandering all over the place,
Listening to noise,
The power of thought,
Ignoring things,
By taking a difference course,
Echoing sounds all around,
Trying to confuse things,
Using foresight to navigate, 
Escaping distance in the dead of the night,
In a deep sleep and dreaming,

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Cherry Blossom

Sitting beneath the cherry tree,
On the sunny days in the spring,
The time of renewal to experience the beautiful things,
Dreaming the time away as lonely clouds drift in the sky,
As the flowers on the cherry tree bloom,
Thoughts of passing times,
Listening to the birds of spring,
In chorus they love to sing,
With humble bumble bees buzzing with their busy wings,
With the gentle breeze the blossom starts to fall,
To gently kiss my skin as I sit watching cotton wool clouds way up high,

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Death of a Day

What is the difference in a day was heard,
The whisper uttered death,
For when a day has ended a new day will dawn,
The mourning sun will reminisce the day gone by,
With memories going to a cloud in the sky,
For the gift is today to live life to the full,
Until it becomes yesterday as the circle of life goes,
Tomorrow is full of hopes and dreams,
Herald by day break as the birds sing,

Tuesday 30 March 2021

A Lonely Cloud of Spring

The flowers of spring the joy they bring,
Looking up at a lonely cloud,
That floats way up high in the sky,
Over vale and the hills the crowd had gathered to wave it goodbye,
With golden smiles the daffodils danced to a breezy tune,
As the cloud was on a journey directed by the wind,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........