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Saturday 27 March 2021

The #Ornate Wheel

Wheel of Fortune

  Way up high,
  Way down low,
  That is how the journey goes,
  Round and round momentum turns,
  On an Ornate wheel,
  A revolution in motion,
  On an axle of life,
  Enjoying the highs,
  Enduring the lows,
  That is how a story goes..........

Thursday 25 March 2021

#Eagles Eye

An Eagles Eye observation keen,
Keeping focus simultaneously all about,
A birds eye view from a high,
Mindful of where you are at,



The roar within the pride,
A king with a mane as a crown,


#Instinct of a Bee

It's bee-n a busy day,
Instinct is to buzz away,
To buzz here and there,
Working all day buzzing away,
Returning to hive at the end of the day,


Wednesday 24 March 2021

#Bright are the Lights

Lights of the Promenade

Bright are the lights that light the night,
When the moon is out of sight,
Be careful you don't stray,
For surely you will lose your way,
With whispers carried on the wind,
To stir emotions from within,
With rustling leaves from the trees,
Enough to give you wobbly knees,
Ghost stories told of spirits past walking on the promenade.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Head and Shoulders to Head Over Heels

There are always going to be the ones that are head and shoulders above the rest,

There are those that will go over the heads of others to get what they want,

Then there is the one in a group who has a good head, who is intelligent with a good sense of judgement,

An old head on young shoulders is rare,

The clumsy ones go head over heels and end up heels over head, these are the strong ones that get up dust off laugh at themselves and start again with a new beginning.

Friday 19 March 2021

Tulips from Amsterdam

In a windmill land, 
Windmills keep on turning,
The land is flat where tulips grow,
If tulips from Amsterdam are given to you,
Deep love is what they feel,
For spring is in the air,
It is time for love,
As the windmills keep on turning,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........