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Thursday 18 March 2021

Rejection not for the faint-hearted

If the idea was dismissed,
A refusal of the proposal that had been submitted,
The thought of rejection was not for the faint-hearted,
A calculation of risk to assess before proceeding,
Is the safest way to go,

Wednesday 17 March 2021


Hunters Moon

It was the most ethereal flight of a night the owl had ever witnessed,
To fly above the earth as a spirit in the glowing light,
To feel as light as air,
Flying on the whispers of the wind,
A hunter after the game,


Unlikely Outcome of Fortune

It was unlikely that a hero would show,
No cape crusader to safe the day,
The odds predicted the outcome,
The consequence of the action,
Who would take the risk,
For fortune favours the brave,

Tuesday 16 March 2021


To rap a tune,
Sing a rhyme,
Make a dime,
Investment time,
Bulldog spirit,
Dollar sign,

Monday 15 March 2021

Comity to Circumstance to the World

It was due to circumstance that comity was demonstrated to others,
The World knew that it was for mutual benefit,
For if one person could lead the way he would be crowned the Leader,
If a Leader could create a formula,
A mathematical equation, 
To start with one (1) would be a plus for it was better than nothing (0),
Success would be shown by growth,
If the numbers multiplied the Leader had succeeded,
For the others had demonstrated that they were listening,
That is the power of the voice and the freedom of speech,

Sunday 14 March 2021


What you see is what you get,
To be who you are without regret,
Some will find you likable,
Some will have contempt,
There will be those that come and go,
and the ones that are meant to be, will stay,

Thursday 11 March 2021

A Smile a Day Mimic

Primate my mate,
Monkey see monkey do,
No rules,
To learn by watching without understanding,
Imitate what you have learnt without consequence,
Remember a smile is infectious,
A smile a day goes along way,
Smile away,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........