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Monday 1 March 2021

March On

Where did February go,
March in like a lion,
Heading towards spring,
A month named after a Roman God,
Time for new beginnings,
Aquamarine colours of blue,
With rabbits and Easter eggs,
Maybe a bonnet for your head,
Daylight saving time begins,
A Guinness or two,
Oh beware the ides,
Then out like lamb and on to April fool's, 

Tuesday 16 February 2021

Dream Big and Succeed

Hey you day dreamer,
The stranger called,
As the dreamer sat watching the clouds go by,
What are you doing ? day dreaming the day away,
The dreamer responded in a calm polite manner,
Dreaming of how my life will one day be,
Dream Big and manifest,
The universe will take care of the rest,
For what is meant to be will be,

Sunday 14 February 2021

Melting Chocolate Hearts X

Melting chocolate hearts on a playground wall,
Discarded valentines card left where they fell,
Dying roses in a table vase,
A love ignored,
The rejection,
A bitter taste,
A heartbreak we all know to well,
Valentine scars of lessons learned,
But a true love we all yearn,
For when cupids arrow hits deep,
The wound is left for keeps,
A branded memory of a love once known,
Placed in a heartbreak album of long ago.......

Saturday 13 February 2021

Love letters of the past

Read them and weep,
Those love letters from the past,
From the lovers that left the scars,
What is meant to be will be,
They say,
Memories of your past are here to stay,
A mental album of thoughts and dreams,
Lessons learnt from years gone by,
Some produce the smiles while others will make you cry,

Friday 12 February 2021

A #Reaping #Troll

Reap what you sow,
Said the fairy to the troll,
You are what you are,
But you can be what you want to be,
Be kind and kindness will find you,
Be positive and positivity will guide you,
If you love you will be loved,

Thursday 11 February 2021

#Value the #Mistake

Value the mistake for that is how lessons are learned,
Learn from the mistake and value the lesson,
Never mistake the lesson and learn from its value,
For a flame can burn and leave a scar,

Wednesday 10 February 2021

#Celebrate in #Arrogance #Receive in Joy

Celebrate the new day, for some it is with arrogance,
Receive the new dawn with joy,
Sadly for some it will not come,
For a new dawn heralds an end and a new beginning as one,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........