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Tuesday 26 January 2021

Broken Hearted

A heart that is broken feels the pain,
The deepest cuts that remain,
A reminder of a love so true,
For that is what it meant to you,

A Fool's Journey

Dream Big,

A Fool's journey it is, day dream within the dreams,

Write Briefly with the ink capturing the visions that were seen,

Mindful that the thoughts do not wilt, crawl through the mind seeking whispers of a kind,

The secret messages from the Devine, vibrant tunes in poems sung, to stir a hearts rhythm only another love can understand,

Searching the Country with love in mind,

Seeking a twin flame to become entwined,

Monday 25 January 2021

Winterbourne Tears

#Winterbourne on tears of pain,
Stream stained scars that remain,
Dry reminder of the flood that day,
Transient nature of a broken love,
That has gone away,


Lost Idols

#Idols lost within a crowd,
A spirit you can hear within a voice,
Spoken tone,
A message clear,
All you have to do is listen,


A searching HART

Heart guitar in the hands,
Emotions on the #edge,
Picking the strings to sing divine,
A love song to touch a soul,
Twin flame you are trying to reach,
For true love is what you seek,
A fire in side,
Fueled by the marrow inside the #bone,
A reincarnated soul,
Searching for the lost love,
A life time before,
For you were the sun,
You were the moon,
A love that was written in the stars,
As foretold by the TAROT cards,
Destiny is but what Destiny brings,
All you need is love.......................

Sunday 24 January 2021

Generous Thoughts

Blood is flowing,
Memories on the mind,
#Generous thoughts running through the arteries and the veins,
Capillaries experiencing goosebumps at the end of the line,
Reactions of the heart,
Oh how the rhythm sings,
Chorus lines,
Been here before,
Love must go on,
Secret messages from the chest,
Adrenaline kicking in,
Missed a quarter beat,
Knocked off of your feet,
Hard to recover from a broken heart,
When all it does is rain..................... 

Saturday 23 January 2021

A Diary Page

A new day,
The new page,
In the diary to date,
Capturing thoughts and visions of the memories,
Before they all escape,
Transferring them to script,
To last the length of time,
Words of emotion,
How to define,
These thoughts that are on the mind,
For life is such a precious gift for all to experience,
Days of mortal bliss tainted by the unkind,
For those days of love there will be days of grief,
A heartbreak of a kind,
A mortal feeling a human will feel in their lifetime,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........