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Sunday 24 January 2021

Generous Thoughts

Blood is flowing,
Memories on the mind,
#Generous thoughts running through the arteries and the veins,
Capillaries experiencing goosebumps at the end of the line,
Reactions of the heart,
Oh how the rhythm sings,
Chorus lines,
Been here before,
Love must go on,
Secret messages from the chest,
Adrenaline kicking in,
Missed a quarter beat,
Knocked off of your feet,
Hard to recover from a broken heart,
When all it does is rain..................... 

Saturday 23 January 2021

A Diary Page

A new day,
The new page,
In the diary to date,
Capturing thoughts and visions of the memories,
Before they all escape,
Transferring them to script,
To last the length of time,
Words of emotion,
How to define,
These thoughts that are on the mind,
For life is such a precious gift for all to experience,
Days of mortal bliss tainted by the unkind,
For those days of love there will be days of grief,
A heartbreak of a kind,
A mortal feeling a human will feel in their lifetime,

Thursday 21 January 2021

Roll of a Dice

The dice was cast,
Outcome left to fate,
A #random chance it would land on eight,
Even numbers,
The odds are on,
The outcome seen when the roll is done,

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes wide open,
#inch's define,
The windows to the mind,
A #sentinel surveillance,
Visions captured not colour blind,
Rose tinted glasses not worn today,
As eyes capture the pictures,
Memories that will stay,
In the vaults of yesterday,
Captured words of what has been heard,
Stored with visions to what they mean,
This reality of what this brings,
For it is marked in history,
In what the new days will bring,

Love Clarity

When is love not love,
I guess that is when the other person says it is not,
When trust is broken and betrayal is shown,
Leaving a heart that is broken,

Tuesday 19 January 2021


The World watched in eager anticipation,
The ceremony on parade,
The President's promise on inauguration day,
Has a tyrant left or has a tyrant arrived,
Votes that counted are those that can decide,
Ego will show from the shadows where they grow,
In time the World will know,

Moon Light Shadow

A dream of a moon light shadow,
The trickster who deceived the earth,
While a lunar light was shining,
The shadow tricked the tides of the sea,
To starve the golden sands,
From caressing waves,
Leaving boats beached on the sand dunes to await their fate,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........