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Wednesday 20 January 2021

Love Clarity

When is love not love,
I guess that is when the other person says it is not,
When trust is broken and betrayal is shown,
Leaving a heart that is broken,

Tuesday 19 January 2021


The World watched in eager anticipation,
The ceremony on parade,
The President's promise on inauguration day,
Has a tyrant left or has a tyrant arrived,
Votes that counted are those that can decide,
Ego will show from the shadows where they grow,
In time the World will know,

Moon Light Shadow

A dream of a moon light shadow,
The trickster who deceived the earth,
While a lunar light was shining,
The shadow tricked the tides of the sea,
To starve the golden sands,
From caressing waves,
Leaving boats beached on the sand dunes to await their fate,

Monday 18 January 2021

The Bitter Equality

What is #equality if it said with a #bitter tongue,
What is worth if it is not valued,
What is love if you left with a broken heart,

Sunday 17 January 2021

The Town Crier

It was supposed to be a secret,
A #reflection of the past.
Lived with the devil,
Word mirrored in reverse,
The Town Crier screaming the secret while ringing a bell with pride,
The #orator of my heartbreak,
Taking #credit for himself,
The #root of all evil spoken in words,

Saturday 16 January 2021

Forgive the Modern Time Blues

#Forgive the heart for the rhythm in the beat,
For #modern time blues play havoc with the tunes,
Words of love that meant so much,
Make a heart ache when songs are sung,
Reminding of loves of past,
A reminder of the lust,
Special times shared by two,
Memories stirred by words that were real,

Friday 15 January 2021

Music of the Stave

The heart song was written on the #stave,
The words of love to last for decades,
Sung by Romeos serenading their Juliet,  
Musicians playing to the rhythm of a hearts beat,
With the words of love that touch emotions deep, 
Little cherubs with their bows playing with the strings,
Conducting with the arrows as the music flows,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........