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Friday 8 January 2021

An Innocent Rendezvous

A seed of doubt was sown,
Sown deep in the chamber of the mind,
The seed which would grow to a thought,
The thought that would demand time,
To create an #innocent vision,
Creating dreams of a kind,
Attracting cupids arrow,
Sending an arrow deep,
A #rendezvous of the heart and mind,
The yearning for a connection, 
For that Angel that has caught your eye,
A fairytale to come true,
So one could become two,

Thursday 7 January 2021

The Nuance of Repeating Thoughts

The mind was familiar with the #nuance of the repeating thoughts,
Like a herd of elephants stampeding a #way through the valley,
#Violated intrusion,
Shades of meaning masked in rising dust,
#Nuanced thinking,
Mental confusion,
Thinking out loud,
Shallow thinking of the false and the truth,
Trying to understand the emotions felt,
With eyes engaged in an #nuanced glance,
As one tries to figure it out,
With #perseverance in mind,

Wednesday 6 January 2021

A FOOL'S Journey

It takes time for a heart to #heal,
But does not #heal completely,
Lessons in love can take its toll,
From little scratches to puncture wounds,
The heart that has been torn in two,
To #vex a heart endlessly,
For love to have vexed a mortal soul for an eternity,
The pain vexes the hurt on a level unexplainable,
Heart broken from this day then tomorrow,
Photos of  past loves pile the piles into a piles,
Searching for a true love on a FOOL'S journey one must go,
The soulmate to seek, 
Aware of cupids #vendetta to send his arrow deep,
To bring loves #misery,
#Perseverance in dreaming of a fairytale to come true,
That the next greatest love,
That could be you, 



Monday 4 January 2021

Sentry Guard of the Mind

Friend or Foe,
Challenged the Sentry Guard of the mind,
A whisper from the dark,
A Spirit walker in your dream,
Who goes there ?
The Sentry Guard commands,
A creation of your manifestation
Created from the depth of  your mind,
I am the conscious thought,
A #vulture circling within,
That chose to engage with,
With the issue you created,
Which is now selected in the subconscious mind,
A vicious circle programmed,
Entry denied the Sentry Guard yells,  
Do not make this a #habit Spirit walker,
Your meddling and interference will not be tolerated, 
For the issue created has been accepted, 
End of the debate.

Sunday 3 January 2021

Remains of Puddles

 When all the rain has fallen down,

#latter opinions don't mean a thing

And the  #dirge is over,

Survived the lamentation of grief,

All that remains are puddles,

When the storm is over,

Clouds disperse,

Rays of sun will shine through with a warming


To ignite life into you,

Saturday 2 January 2021

United We Must Become

If a tweet could reach the World,
A message that could be heard,
In times of doubt,
With all effected,
A union of souls all in hope,
That life can return to normal,
For a loss that is endured for some,
The loss is felt by everyone,
At a time of hope and faith,
For those that are trying to save the human race,
United the World must become,
To overcome what has come,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Velociraptor's Plot

 A descendent of a #Velocirapter,
Damn that is cool,
Oh there is going to be a #Reckoning now,
Better start a running, 
#begin a #plot is set,
Murder of crows is on the way,,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........