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Saturday 2 January 2021

United We Must Become

If a tweet could reach the World,
A message that could be heard,
In times of doubt,
With all effected,
A union of souls all in hope,
That life can return to normal,
For a loss that is endured for some,
The loss is felt by everyone,
At a time of hope and faith,
For those that are trying to save the human race,
United the World must become,
To overcome what has come,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Velociraptor's Plot

 A descendent of a #Velocirapter,
Damn that is cool,
Oh there is going to be a #Reckoning now,
Better start a running, 
#begin a #plot is set,
Murder of crows is on the way,,

Thursday 31 December 2020

#HappyNewYear MESSAGE

Standing on a threshold of #ANew Year,
An ending, #goodbye
#anew #fresh beginning,
New Year resolutions,
Hopes and dreams,
Follow the angelic #arrows pointing  the way,
Don't take life as granted,
Live life everyday for the day,
Don't be taken for granted,
#terminate the negative thoughts,
Kill the pain,
Do what makes you happy,
Laugh and grow,
When times get tough trust to hope and faith to see you through,
Some situations are out of your control,
Always remember a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down,
Those that truly love you and respect you will be there for you,
Good luck and good fortune be with you all,

Wednesday 30 December 2020


The confusion endured,
As the mind was in conflict with the heart,
The mind trying to dissuade the heart from falling in love,
The heart beat of emotion of a rhythm,
Morse code encouraging a the mind that his thoughts were unfounded,
 A secret key to let down the guard,
Let dreams of romance and love be the thoughts,
Of a fairy tale of a cupids arrow that has sunk deep.... 

Monday 28 December 2020

Hart Song

      Dreams of love,
      Mortal to the time we have,
      Divine feelings,
      Desire a wanting,
      That longing,
      Energy of the spark,
      That makes a Hart sing, 
      Universal plan with cupid at hand,
      An arrow to a Hart,
      A wound so deep,
      In nature a retreat,
      Mother Nature healing power,
      To heal the weak,
      Letting them stand their ground......

Standing Alone

Bull Elephant

3am thoughts,
In the dark of the night,
Opening the mind.
To the visions the #dreams,
The thoughts in between are the #worst,
Learning from lessons,
Standing alone,
Individual character,
Not many can master,
Rebuilding from a solid base,
No pillars of sand,
Standing tall and proud,
It is funny how life can turn things around,
I guess that is the meaning of KARMA, 

Sunday 27 December 2020

Pepper or two


 Christmas over,
 Over indulged,
 Now for some veg,


The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........