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Thursday 24 December 2020

The Eve

The Eve before the special day,
The day before the event,
Preparations in the kitchen,
Last minute wrapping,
A little tipple to reduce the stress,
Christmas tunes through out the house,
A glowing fire with tender warmth,
Christmas lights twinkling,
The aroma of spice and pine floats about,
The excitement all round,
This is what Christmas is about, 

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Gallimaufry of the Heart

Re-occurring thoughts,
Images and visions repeated,
Never ending cycle,
Played out within the mind,
Raining thoughts from the brain,
The clogs doing overtime,
Powering the #windmills in my mind,
With #vermillion blood vessels pumping to the rhythm of a heart beat,
Creating confusion,
A magnificent #gallimaufry of childhood dreams,
Melting chocolate hearts left,
In the play ground,
Chiseled initials in an ancient tree,  
A reminder of a teenage love,
What needed to be said in a medley of words,
Scent of potpourri unsettling an unconfident soul,
The hodgepodge verse turned into a hash,
A long time ago,
Confused back then the meaning of love,
Not confused today as one grows old.......

Christmas Spirit

Dancing Spirit 


A dancing spirit the festival season brings,
Hunting the #quarry of the night,
On a #winters night,
#radient glow with #jinglebells a warming sight,
With seasons greetings a Xmas card brings,
Children's laughter echoing aloud,
Christmas trees with Christmas lights,
Illuminations switched on during the night,
Choirs sing carols under a lanterns beam,
A tradition its just one of those things,
Roasted chestnuts and mulled wine,
A mince pie is just Devine,
Christmas songs playing on the air,
Christmas past and Christmas present memories combined,
A special time for all to share,
With all the challenges this year has brought into the future with faith and hope,

Tuesday 22 December 2020



   Romeo held a #portrait of Juliet in his mind,
   A vision of his dreams repeated every night,
   Serenading his beauty from within his sleep,
   Of an innocent maiden with a #radiant glow,
   An obsession he could not let go,
   For cupids arrow had hit its mark,
   Landed deep within his heart,
   For a passion that fueled his soul,
   That is how the story goes......

Monday 21 December 2020

Star of Wonder 21/12/20

Planets align in the sky tonight,
On the shortest day,
The winter solstice,
A rarity to shine a Christmas light,
The star so bright in the darkness of night,
A guiding light,
Jupiter and Saturn in an orbital dance,
A celestial event of the Star of Wonder,
In the galaxy called the Milky Way,

Dancing Flame

Dancing Flames

 A burning passion,
 Dancing flame,
 An #original love,
 Aired desire,
 Burning torment to hold,
 To watch love burning,
 Cupid's arrow held,
 Dancing flames entwined,
 Interweaving and twisting together, 
 A midnight dream,
 Fueled by lust...


Sunday 20 December 2020

Dream the Dream

Dreaming a dream,
A dream within the dream,
Dreaming of the dream,
The dream in the dream,
A dream to find the key of a labyrinth,
An enigma's maze, 
Swirls of thoughts,
Blended in a haze of misery,
Hypnotised by circles,
Vision clearly not,
The vision of illusion,
Reality sought,
Journey of clarity to find the dream that comes true,
To fall in love with that someone who shares the dream with you..

Dream Art

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........