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Wednesday 16 December 2020

Migrating Words

Migrating words, 
Trivial things to some,
An expression of a silent voice,
#infernal burning in green eyes,
A flame of a desire to be heard,
Burden on the shoulders last,
#invisible message hidden in a post,
Silent squeak from a tweet,
To travel around the World,
To travel the direction of a compass point,
Poets dream that a passage written will last the test of time to #join the elite, to be a #King
What value are Wordsworth if a reader is blind.....

Tuesday 15 December 2020


Gazed in the eyes of Medusa,
#harvest the lesson well,
#heart burnt,
Listened to the #lies betrayed by  the look,
Stone cold become,
Sentry to the heart,
Protection from cupids arrows,
A cairn boundary marker to the heart,
Memorial to what was,
Made of granite,
Protected by stone,
What has one become....

Path of Life

Walked through the valley,
In the sun and the rain,
Played the part like an actor on the stage,
Climbed to the highest point ever been,
Felt like a King or a Queen,
Laughed and cried until the tears ran dry,
Laid on the floor felt unseen,
Questioning why,
The life built on pillars of sand,
Picked oneself up and started again,
Stopped at the crossroads,
A direction to take,
The path of life,
Lessons to be learned,
Some say it is fate, 
Destiny told,
For what is meant to be will be,
Lessons learnt over the years,
To guide you forward in the unknown.....

Monday 14 December 2020

Cunning, Colours Seen

#Cunning invisibility,
Lost in a crowd,
Once was,
Hidden behind a mask,
Face unseen, 
Is this only a dream,
A crowd a thing of the past,
No mass gatherings,
Distance separating,
Space between,
Easily seen,
In body mass,
Colours seen,


Saturday 12 December 2020

Eye Drops

Eye Drops

 Eye drops when we cry,
 We all know the reasons why,
 Drop lost associated with love or pain,
 Joy or sorrow,
 The drops will rain,
 Heart felt emotion of a time or place,
 Human medication to lessen the pain,
 That feeling you cannot explain,
 Cheek stained heart scars of tears of old,
 Reminders of the memories they hold,


Friday 11 December 2020

#Golden Grains of Sand

Grains of Sand

Watching the #golden grains of sand raining down,
Forming a heap and sliding down,
Repeating cycle,  
The hourglass in the hand,
Twenty-four hours a day it is turned,
Trying to count the #golden grains,
Falling like rain,
Loosing count again,
Day dreaming of the beach,
Where time is lost easily,
Thinking on thoughts,
Of what they mean,
Footprints washed away,
Like memories as they fade,
The love of yesterday.........

Thursday 10 December 2020

Not A Dream

It was not a dream he held her in his arms,
A forever repeating memory for he was damned,
Eternal love the fortune teller foretold,
A burnt soul,
Karma's work is now in hand,
The destiny sown,
Forever repeating visions come hand in hand with love,
A repeating cycle on the path of life,
For many soul mates will appear,
Also there are many types of love.........

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........