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Friday 11 December 2020

#Golden Grains of Sand

Grains of Sand

Watching the #golden grains of sand raining down,
Forming a heap and sliding down,
Repeating cycle,  
The hourglass in the hand,
Twenty-four hours a day it is turned,
Trying to count the #golden grains,
Falling like rain,
Loosing count again,
Day dreaming of the beach,
Where time is lost easily,
Thinking on thoughts,
Of what they mean,
Footprints washed away,
Like memories as they fade,
The love of yesterday.........

Thursday 10 December 2020

Not A Dream

It was not a dream he held her in his arms,
A forever repeating memory for he was damned,
Eternal love the fortune teller foretold,
A burnt soul,
Karma's work is now in hand,
The destiny sown,
Forever repeating visions come hand in hand with love,
A repeating cycle on the path of life,
For many soul mates will appear,
Also there are many types of love.........

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Dog Eared

Beagle -Eyed-Dog-Eared

  I heard a call from afar,
 Thought I heard my name,
 Sounded like a voice I once new,
 Hope this is not a game,
 After all I am only an old dog-eared-dog,
 Who has lost his way,
 Lost on the paths of life,
 I went the wrong way,
 Now I am just a stray,
 Surviving day by day,
 With puppy eyes may be ....one day I will find love...

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Draft Day

Today was day on a draft run,
Today was a day all about fun,
To test the day in a present mode,
To test a template,
To be bold,
A dry run on ice,
To test a day for life,
Twodays tomorrow will become one,
Knowing now what will come...

Monday 7 December 2020

Lessons in the Rain

Walked the streets in the rain,
Fed the puddles with the pain,
Tear stained scars on rosy cheeks,
Give the game away,
Romeo and Juliet,
Love tale gone cold,
That's how the story will be told,
Listening to the love songs,
As the rivers flow, 
Is how the lessons are learnt,
It will never be the same again,
For drowning in the lakes,
Is how survival is taught....

Diamonds in the Sky

Diamonds in the sky,
Way up high,
Twinkling in the dark,
Sat on a rock,
A guy down on his luck,
Waiting for a sign,
A shooting star,
For a wish to be told,
Under a full lunar light,
On a winters night....

Thoughts of the Night

Thoughts of the night,
Keep me awake to the light,
When day light breaks it is back to routine,
To anaylse the thoughts of the dreams,
What do they mean,
Is it deja vu,
For thoughts are of you,
Is it meant to be,
Time will,
Wait and see.....

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........