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Sunday 6 December 2020


A guitar strumming in the park,
Words that touch the chords of the heart,
A rhythm that changes a heart beat,
Means so much,
Memories of yesterday,
What once was,
Can never be again,
Of a flowing course,
What is meant to be,
Will be,
From young to old,
Lessons learnt along the way,
That is history, 
For that was yesterday.....

The Messenger

They are near when a Robin appears,
Visiting time,
A sign so dear,
Shedding tears,
A warming glow to stir the soul,
Missing them so,
Memories of the special times,
Priceless they are,
For you loved them so,
A gift of nature,
Come at a time you needed it so,
A symbol of hope and faith,
Walking on,
On the path of life..... 

Friday 4 December 2020

When The Stars Come Out

A Star was born in the dead of the night,
Replacing a Star that died that night,
Star bright it was a sight,
Lighting the Galaxy with a luminated light,
Singing in the Universe,
In a vibrating sound,
I am here,
When the Stars come out to join the show,
Constellations formed by the groups,
Twinkling in the night,
A shooting Star steals the show,
Keen to be in the limelight,
A wish cast by those below,
In the dark of the night,
With a lunar light in the chorus,
Lighting the stage below,
Before the night turns to day,

Thursday 3 December 2020

The Tower

A foggy image of the past, 
Topped by a false Crown that did not last,
Solid structure built on pillars of sand,
An empty shell left burnt and ruined,
A tower experience which will not be forgotten,
Enlightened on the path of Life,
A spiritual awakening on a Ley Line,
Beginning life again....

Wednesday 2 December 2020


A photo captured in the past,
The place the time the memory stays,
Framed in time of long ago,

Monday 30 November 2020

A drifting Pen

A pen glided over the surface this day,
Leaving a message as it went,
Of what was is no longer,
It can never been the same again,
Washed away as the water of life flowed,
Erasing her presence over time,
To leave an empty place,
In my eyes where the rivers still flow,

Friday 27 November 2020


Sat looking out of a window,
The pane is clear,
As rain streams down the glass,
Following tear stained scars,
Sad songs playing on the jukebox,
Memories of the past,
Sipping the coffee from a lipstick stained mug,
That was her yesterday,
For a rainbow came to end the storm,
The sun then came her way.....

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........