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Friday 6 November 2020


Gypsy King she said,
Cross my palm with silver,
To get your fortune read,
Crystal ball, Tarot Card or maybe a Palm Reading I can do,
To read your fortune,
Your destiny to you,
Is it love or wealth you seek,
Or would you be content with happiness,
Is that what you seek,
The law of attraction a Magician at work,
Manifesting your destiny as we speak....... 

Broken Parts

Piece by piece,
Glued together to make a whole,
Keeping old flames out of reach
Danger of fire,
Every piece a story to tell,
Now whole,
With scars to show,

Thursday 5 November 2020

Dream Visions

She said to him,
Do you know what you are to me,
No? he said,
You are my everything,
My world, the Moon and the Stars,
You make me happy and complete,
My dreams come true......
He woke from his dream at 3am,
Haunted by his dream,
Unable to sleep,
Where was this woman of his dreams to make his life complete.....


Broken promises,
Broken dreams,
A pride on fire,
A broken heart,
Betrayed by love in the dark,
But it's ok  he said for I am awake, 
Not worthy of  his love you are to him,
You set him free,
To find love that he deserves,
One day his dreams will come true,
For he may discover you,
For paths will cross if it is meant to be,
With a pen in hand he will plot his course,
A gypsy King with his dreams,
On this journey through the stars too his destiny.....

Sunset Dreams

Standing on a beach feet buried in the golden sand,
Holding hands in the dimming glow,
With flowing hair dancing in the breeze,
Watching the waves rolling in,
Two hearts in rhythm, 
#Patience rewarded as she said I love you,
#Patience is a virtue he thought,
As he looked in her eyes and said.... I LOVE YOU TO,
He took her in his arms and tenderly kissed her as the sun went down.

Wednesday 4 November 2020



Searching for freedom in the skies,
Danger at height as now not grounded,
Liberated and free as a bird,
To fly on a breeze in the sky,
Migrating to a new dimension,
To reach a new destination,
In ones mind.....

Tuesday 3 November 2020


He sat on a bench,
Starring at the sea,
A ritual practiced regularly,
Gathering his thoughts and finding peace,
Listening to the waves crashing at his feet,
The sea wind blowing,
Gulls soaring high,
Counting the clouds that float in the sky,
Thoughts drifting between day dreams,
As time disappears with the movement of hands,
Years pass by,
Yet the memories last.......

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........