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Tuesday 3 November 2020


He sat on a bench,
Starring at the sea,
A ritual practiced regularly,
Gathering his thoughts and finding peace,
Listening to the waves crashing at his feet,
The sea wind blowing,
Gulls soaring high,
Counting the clouds that float in the sky,
Thoughts drifting between day dreams,
As time disappears with the movement of hands,
Years pass by,
Yet the memories last.......

Sunday 1 November 2020

 When the wind blows,

I will be gone,
A memory is all that will be left,
A yellow flower that changes to a ball of white,
A kids game making a wish,
Chasing seeds in the wind,
As they fly away,
Leaving an empty stem,
Memories of yesterday

Friday 30 October 2020

Poppy Fields of Red


Running in the poppy fields of red,
Innocent of the history it represents,
The blood that has been shed, Playing games with stirring petals, A memory to the dead, Eating poppy heads getting high on the seeds, Laying in a field and gazing at the sky, Day dreaming, Questioning why.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Yellow Roses

Beautiful in your prime,
Gracefully aging over time,
A memory of a vibrant look,
Will always stay in my mind,
A symbolism of love,
Given in kind...

Monday 26 October 2020


The eyes are the windows to the mind,
Vision seekers to process visual details,
To feed the brain with images,
They show fear, hate, anger, love and sadness.
The eyes can communicate  louder then words when required,

Saturday 24 October 2020


Don't be such a boar he heard her say,
Just because she did not get her own way,
He called her a sow as he walked away,
Then hid in the tree for the day,

Thursday 22 October 2020

Poppy fields of Red,

Poppy fields of red,
Hope for peace ahead,
Landscapes turned from ruin, Germinated by seeds that were shed, In Flanders Fields a poet wrote, Where poppies grow and larks sing, from dawn to dusk, Never forgotten to those that loved, In remembrance we trust..

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........