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Monday 5 October 2020


True colours surround the body you own,
An aura illumination,
A luminaire, 
A beacon light to those that can see,
The characters and traits of the person you truly be,
Painted by an artist on this palette called Earth..

Saturday 3 October 2020


Held in high esteem,
Sacred to the Gods,
Protected by the Duir,
The men of the oak,
Crown worn by Kings,
A symbol of strength,
An ancient tree ...

Friday 2 October 2020

Game Birds


The Robin

 A teacher flew to me to enlighten me on where I have been,
On a journey of personal growth a transformation of who I used to be,
A spiritual guider accompanying me on my path,
Teaching me on how to focus on the signs and trust on instincts,
With a red breast singing away,
I here the song everyday,
Some times sung as a duet as another robin appears,
Bringing joy to my soul,
A smile to my face to be graced in this way,
With confidence I go forward each day,

Wild Geese

I walked along the river today,
As wild geese flew my way,
A flock navigating a course,
Which had been flown by those before....


A canopy over me,
Shielding yet I am free,
Protected by mother nature,
As the storm passes over,
Umbrella of trust from the canopy above,
Mother nature has provided for me....

Wednesday 30 September 2020

A Picture of You

 I have a picture of you,
A still frame in my mind,
An image of you that you left behind,
Time is forever frozen,
A memory of you,
It was night time,
We were hand in hand,
At the time,
A picture of you in my mind,
Of a time long ago,
The bench where we sat and watched the river flow,
Under the lampposts that were aglow,
Warming light as I held you tight,
Then kissed your lips and said goodnight,

The Sun is Shining

The sun is shining, A day in front, Pick a path, Move a head........